
Golchi - Most Versatile & Customizable Bottle Ever

Created by Golchi LLC

Golchi holds 2 beverages of different temperatures at once, has a modular design & 15 other features

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fri Jun 23 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 08:30:46 PM

Production Update #11

Hello Backers,

We are back with our update for this fortnight!

Production details:

1. Stainless steel manufacturer has finalised all the molds and procured necessary material to start bulk production. We are currently in the testing phase for different colors with matte finish on the steel parts to match that with the plastic parts

2. We are currently testing color shades that we have offered on Kickstarter on the plastic parts. So far the the colors look nice and vibrant. The plastic part manufacturer will be producing multiple samples in each color for further approvals in the next two weeks. We will be sharing pictures of the final approved color samples in our next update.

3. We have completed the production of additional lid and have recently started producing the middle compartment outer cover as well as the temperature marker rings for the lids


Quality Control details:

1. We have engaged a third party quality control firm with many years of experience in auditing and setting up quality control processes for both steel and plastic manufacturers. They have also worked with some leading bottle brands and helped them develop their quality control systems

2. The Quality control team has been onboard for 2 weeks now and they have developed all the necessary QC guides for both steel and plastic parts production and assembly

3. The representatives from the QC team will be visiting the factories in the next couple of days for first level audit and implementation of QC guides

Logistics details:

1. We have finalised our logistics partners and signed contracts as well. We plan to have two warehouses, one in Chicago, US and one in Hong Kong

2. Our Freight provider who will be assisting in moving products to both the warehouses has also been finalised 

Backer queries:

1. We have been receiving shipping address change requests from our backers in the past few days. Incase you would like to update your shipping address please visit the following link and access your survey using your email id registered with Indiegogo:

2. We still have 32 surveys that have not been responded on BackerKit. Incase you have not completed your survey please visit the following link and provide your details:

Stay tuned for more updates! 

Team Golchi

Thu Jun 8 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Thu, Jun 08, 2017 at 01:33:21 PM

Production Update #10

Hello Backers,

We are back with our bi-weekly update. In the past 2 weeks we have made some promising progress on the production front and are happy to share details and new images from the factory.

One big milestone that we could achieve is finalisation of the production schedule for all the stainless steel parts. Based on the trial samples we received, we were very satisfied with the production quality and expertise of the new stainless steel factory. We have confirmed the production for entire bulk order and paid advance to start the necessary preparations. In next 2 weeks, stainless steel factory will procure material, reconfigure machines and assembly line as per our specifications and will produce approximately 500 production quality samples for our final sign off. We will examine these samples for consistency in production quality, dimensions and functionality. Once we give a go ahead, the bulk production of entire order will start. In our next update we will share images of production quality stainless steel samples and confirm production completion timeline for all the stainless steel parts.

As mentioned in our previous update, we are on a rolling production schedule for the plastic parts and will keep producing parts as and when their testing has been completed and moulds have been finalised. Over the last week we have completed the production of the entire order quantity for the storage box and the additional lid. Below are some of the images from the factory:


We are next targeting the production of the middle compartment and it's cover. We have made multiple iterations and adjustments to get these 2 parts perfect. Over the next 2-3 days we will make multiple batches of 200 -300 pieces for both of these parts to ensure consistency in production quality and then proceed with bulk production. In next week or so we will be able to produce entire order quantity of both these parts as well.

All the critical aspects in terms of functionality of the bottom lid have also been finalised. We will do rigorous testing, mould adjustments and surface finish improvements in our preparations to begin production of the bottom lid soon.

We are not making any commitments for delivery timeline in this update as we want to ensure that all the critical pieces fall in place. Based on our experience with manufacturing over the last few months, we have learnt that unless we get things in hand nothing is final. 

Stay tuned for future updates!

Team Golchi

Thu May 25 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Thu, May 25, 2017 at 05:40:31 PM

Production Update #9

Hello Backers,

Last two weeks have been critical as well as productive and we have been able to make some progress with production and product testing.

Stainless steel parts: 

Our stainless steel supplier completed the moulds this week and provided samples for initial design approval and mould quality. The moulds look good in quality and match our design specifications. We have now asked for multiple samples with different heights to validate leak proofing as well as strength of assembly of different parts. Below are some of the images of the first round samples that are currently being tested.

Sample testing:

We plan to conduct several tests with the new samples to validate different functionality as well as strength and leak proofing. We have conducted basic drop test to check the strength of threads and assembly. We will be conducting more tests in the coming days and share videos in our future updates. Links to the test video are as below:

Drop Test 1:

Drop Test 2:

Plastic parts:

We have started finalising plastic parts that are independent of the steel parts to begin production in phases, so that the entire bulk is not left for the end. The middle compartment storage box as well as the additional lid are final and we will be commencing production of quantity required to fulfil our crowdfunding reward commitments. Below is an image of the middle compartment boxes that were manufactured prior to approval for mass production.

Shipping Timeline:

We are unable to commit on the new shipping timeline as of now until we complete all the tests with the samples and have shared our test results with you. We made commitments and conveyed shipping timelines before and were not been able to fulfil those. It gets very disheartening when we are unable to meet our commitment. We now want to be absolutely sure before we give you any new timelines. As mentioned above, we will continue to manufacture in phases for the parts that get finalised. We will be providing more details on our progress in the coming updates.

We have made mistakes and we accept it. We also accept that it's your right to demand the product and our obligation to fulfil your demand. We are on with it and doing all we can to accomplish it. We appreciate your support and patience and will continue to provide details of whatever progress we make. 

Stay tuned for future updates!

Team Golchi

Tue May 9 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Tue, May 09, 2017 at 08:45:16 AM

Production Update #8

Hello Backers,

We are back with a small update on our progress. In past few weeks we have been receiving messages and emails that people do not appreciate weekly updates as it overloads their inboxes with not much information. We have now decided to switch to 2 updates every month instead and will continue to keep you engaged and informed of our progress.

Our new stainless steel supplier is working on the moulds and our team is in continuous coordination to get the moulds ready at the earliest. Below are some images from the steel factory visit this weekend.

Once the steel moulds are ready we will run another round of testing for the steel flasks and confirm leak proofing and insulation.

Survey Responses: 

Since our last update we have not received any further responses to our surveys and still have 33 unanswered surveys. As we continue to send reminders via BackerKit we will be sending individual emails this week to 33 backers, requesting their response to the survey. 

If you would like to access your survey or update your shipping address, please visit the following link and access using your email id registered on Indiegogo:

We appreciate your support and ensure you that our team is working with full commitment to deliver your Golchi as soon as possible. Please stay tuned for further updates! 

Team Golchi

Fri Apr 21 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 07:18:53 AM

Production Update #7

Hello Backers,

We are back with this week's update.

Quality and surface finish: After the last update, we received a few concerns about the quality of plastic parts. Please note that all the images we shared earlier were of samples/parts directly from mould in mould workshop with different trial materials. There was no mould alignment, cooling and post processing. The whole purpose of producing all these samples was to validate and improve functionality. We assure you that quality of plastic parts will be much better. Post adjustment and after several treatments, all these moulds will be transferred from mould workshop to production factory, where we will be using advanced injection moulding machines for bulk production. Below is an image just to give you an indication of final surface finish.


Testing and Validation: As we are waiting for stainless steel parts, we continue to validate and stress test the key aspects of different plastic parts. This week we focussed on the leak proofing of the lower cup. We used the lower cup in different orientations and different situations filled with different beverages to see if there was any leakage. We also conducted few shake tests, drop tests and air flow test to check for any leakage. We are glad to share that we are super confident about the leak proofing of this assembly now. 

There are four other potential leakage interfaces in entire Golchi bottle. We have tested all these remaining interfaces also several times. But we will be conducting stress test for all these interfaces also this week and the next week to further enhance our confidence level.

Reward Survey: We have been compiling all the survey responses and have still not received responses from 33 backers. Incase you have not responded to the survey or would like to update your shipping address, please visit the following link:

Stay tuned for more updates!

Team Golchi