
Golchi - Most Versatile & Customizable Bottle Ever

Created by Golchi LLC

Golchi holds 2 beverages of different temperatures at once, has a modular design & 15 other features

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Tue Mar 7 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 08:27:05 AM

New Timelines

Hello Backers,

In continuation to our update on the production progress we are now sharing the new timelines for bulk production and shipping.

From now until 10th March: Complete surface finish test, shrinkage / expansion test, tolerance adjustments to bring moulds to completion.

Upto 20th March: Over the next 2 weeks, we will spend time on assembling all the parts to have a fully functional sample. During this time we will conduct multiple tests to validate leak proofing, temperature insulation, surface finish, strength and impact resistance of each part and material testing.

We will identify what further adjustments are needed to perfectly achieve all desired functionalities and accordingly make those adjustments in moulds. At the end of this process, we will again produce multiple samples to finalise all aspects and approve it for bulk production.

From 20th March -31st March: This is the pre-production period where factory will procure all the material, put together multiple assembly lines, make arrangements for different colour combinations and graphics and get ready for bulk production. We have validated with credible sources that this is the standard process almost everywhere in all leading manufacturing facilities and it is advised to not rush through this phase as otherwise it can result in compromises during the actual production.

From 1st April to 10th April : During this time the factory will be doing the bulk production run. Our entire team will be in China to monitor production. Also our quality control firm will be visiting factory for multiple rounds of quality inspections to make sure that quality is as per our standards.

From 10th April - 20th April : We will be using this time to freight goods from our factory in China to our warehouses . To make up as much for the lost time, we will prefer using air freight to bring goods to our US warehouse.  Our warehouses will use this time to make all necessary arrangements for final fulfilment of all our orders.

20th April onward : We will start shipping out your Golchi's and hope to complete fulfilment of all the orders by end of April.


You all have extended a great support to us. We know you all have a vision for this product. We cherish your support and assure you that we are very close to the last step. Please continue to have your confidence and faith in us. Your Golchi will be on its way VERY SOON!

Looking forward to your continued support!

Team Golchi

Tue Mar 7 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Tue, Mar 07, 2017 at 08:22:51 AM

Production Progress

Hello Backers,

We know you all have been very anxiously waiting for this update. We are sorry for the delay in getting back to you as we were trying to collect as much details as possible to give a complete picture.

Progress to date:

Golchi bottle required tooling of 26 moulds. Of these 26 moulds, 4 moulds are for stainless steel parts and remaining 22 moulds are for plastic parts. All the moulds are complete now and have been done to our utmost satisfaction. We have also produced multiple samples from each mould to validate the accuracy and precision. Our team has reviewed the finishing and surface quality of these samples. We have attached the images of various individual parts here. These are raw images of sample directly from mould without any colouring or post processing. Also material used is only for sampling purposes. Please bear this in mind when reviewing the images. The objective of all these images is to establish that the most complex and time consuming step of tooling is over and we are very close to production and fulfilment phase.

During this process, our team in China also reviewed worker's well being, working environment, treatment of worker by factory management and also the wages being paid to workers. We were very pleased with exceptionally high levels of employee satisfaction and flexibility that all workers in our manufacturing facilities enjoy.

We will be sharing another update as well that will include new timelines.

Looking forward to your continued support!

Team Golchi

Wed Feb 8 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 01:41:31 PM

Hello Backers,

We are back with a quick update. Though it has been a slow period on the production front due to the Chinese New Year break we used this time to get going on a lot of other fronts. The factory re-opens on Monday, 13 February 2017 and we will gear-up to complete the tooling phase. More details on that to follow later.

In the past two weeks we have streamlined the logistics function. We have signed definitive agreements with a US based freight company  to help us move bulk quantities from China. We have locked in two logistics firms, one based in Hong Kong and the other based in US that will help us deliver individual backer orders. We have also hired an internationally recognised  quality control firm, which will be onsite during the production process and audit the production quality. So with this, we have closed all the gaps in end to end process. We are well positioned to start fulfilling orders once we hit the production. Hopefully this all will help us avoid delays on any other service area.

Our top focus continues to be manufacturing. We know many of you are keeping a close watch on how things are progressing here. Just like you, we also want to push things as much as we can. We will continue to closely monitor the progress on production front and circle back in a couple of weeks to give you details on the tooling. 

Thank you for your continuous support and patience. Means a lot to us!!!

Team Golchi

Tue Jan 31 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 04:18:27 PM

Hello Backers,

We have designed a creative , high end packaging for Golchi. A packaging that is truly as refreshing as the concept of the product and makes Golchi even more desirable. Below is the preview of the concept:

Please note that this packaging box is in addition to the normal brown shipping box in which the product will be shipped.

We also wanted to give a heads-up to our backers who have added Golchi bottle and tea infuser to their pledge on BackerKit, we will be charging your credit cards for the add-ons in this week. We have still not received survey responses from 50 backers. Incase you have not responded to the survey or want to re-visit your responses please visit the following link: Again assuring you all of our commitment towards getting you all fantabulous Golchi and at the earliest. 

Stay tuned for more updates and keep sharing!

Team Golchi

Tue Jan 24 '17 Announcement
over 7 years ago – Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 06:23:19 AM

Hello Backers,

In this update we are sharing some images clicked by our team members at the factory site. These images are of samples developed for mould verification and testing. Some moulds are almost complete and needs minor adjustments while a few others are still under tooling. The images are of all test samples and the final product will not resemble these in terms of finishing and looks.

We hope to share more details around the progress on tooling in the next update. Also want to re-iterate that things are slow right now because of the shut down in China for the Chinese New Year. We expect so see things picking up again from second week of February.

We acknowledge that many of you have requested for new timelines. We assure you that we also want to provide more clarity. Once the factory resumes work after Chinese New Year, we will be in a better position to provide future timelines. We just want to make sure that we are taking a complete stock of the situation. We will continue to closely monitor the progress and aggressively drive actions. We remain as committed as ever to deliver a quality product.

Thank you for your support and encouragement. 

Team Golchi


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The Oomph brews the perfect coffee without the need for electricity or batteries. Simply add hot water, your favourite coffee and press. In less than 2 minutes you have the perfect cup of coffee.  Made from tough BPA free plastic the Oomph is durable, robust and cleans in less than 20 seconds!